Kindergarten Math is Easy as 1, 2, 3!


At Atlas, our goal is for all young learners to develop a strong foundation in math and become great critical thinkers and problem solvers, just like professional mathematicians! Each grade level at Atlas works with a certified teacher who specializes in math. Students engage in playful, authentic, and rigorous math experiences. 

We know that all children have strengths and areas for growth. Unfortunately, far too many students (and grown ups!) believe they are not good at math. We want to rewrite this narrative through engaging, hands-on math learning to build students’ math confidence and competence.

Authentic, Hands-On Learning

Each day during math class, students participate in Work Places, math stations that use games and activities to make learning enjoyable and effective. Work Places invite students to explore new math concepts in small groups or independently.  

For example, the Penny Candy Collect Ten Game is a Work Place game that helps reinforce the following skills:

  • Counting objects to 10 and beyond
  • Reading numerals 1-4
  • Recognizing small quantities up to 4 without counting
  • Comparing quantities (which has more?)

Click here to print out the game to play together at home! All you need to play are the printed game board and spinners, a paper clip, pennies, and small objects, like cheerios, legos, or dry pasta.

Meet Atlas Kindergarten Math Lead, Ms. Dorie

Q: What is your favorite part about teaching kindergarten math?

A: I get the privilege of being their very first math teacher! This means I am the one who helps them fall in love with math. I know I’m doing my job when children cheer, “yay math!” when I push my cart into the classroom.

Q: Why are math mindsets important and how do you work to support students to develop positive attitudes around math?

A: Mindset is everything. I want all our Explorers to feel confident in their ability to solve problems. We learn that “I might not be able to do that YET” and that “making mistakes helps our brain to grow.” I also create an atmosphere where students feel comfortable taking risks, answering questions, and trying new ways of doing things without any hesitation. In class we’re just having fun! But I know that our math lessons offer plenty of challenges presented as games, hands-on exploration, and stories. 

Q: What can families do at home to support young students’ math skills?

A: Well, math is everywhere! There are unlimited opportunities to look for and find math in daily life. Grownups can notice the math and make it fun through simple conversations. Asking questions like, "I wonder which is heavier?", "how many napkins do we need at the dinner table?", and "how many will you have if I give you one more?" Also, just play games with your child! Board games and card games help children to practice math skills disguised as fun.

At-Home Enrichment

At Atlas, we utilize the Bridges in Mathematics curriculum.  This curriculum features an engaging and rigorous Math At-Home site that includes games, challenge questions, fun videos, and activities that are easy to incorporate at home.  Click here to download a scavenger hunt from the Math At-Home site.  For more Pre-Kindergarten activities, click here to access the Math-at-Home site.  The site includes 10 different sets of activities, there are plenty of ways to challenge your child this summer!

Click the picture below to learn about subitizing, another quick activity to practice math at home!

Subitizing is the ability to recognize a group of objects without counting. It helps students develop pattern recognition, strengthen number sense, and compose and decompose numbers! This is an important skill in Kindergarten!

Join Us!

Do you have a rising Kindergartener who would benefit from our joyful approach to math? We still have a few spots for incoming K-3 students for the 2023-2024 school year. Take 5 minutes to fill out an application today!

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